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The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is the outcome subspecies of the domestication of the wild cat, carnivorous mammal of the cat family. It is one of the leading pet and now has fifty different breeds recognized by the certification bodies. In many countries, the cat is part of legislation on domestic carnivores like dogs and ferrets.

Essentially territorial, the cat is a predator of small prey such as rodents or birds. Cats have various vocalizations including purrs, meows, the growls or grunts, although they mainly communicate by facial and body positions and pheromones. According to the results of work in 2006 and 20071, the domestic cat is a subspecies of the wildcat (Felis silvestris) from ancestors belonging to subspecies of the African wild cat (African wildcat). The first domestication to have occurred there are 8 000 to 10 000 years to the Neolithic in the Fertile Crescent, a time corresponding to the start of the cultivation of cereals and garnering reserves likely to be attacked by rodents, cats becoming then to man a useful auxiliary suitable for domestication.

First revered by the Egyptians, he was demonized in Europe in the Middle Ages and found acclaim at the eighteenth century. In Asia, the cat remains synonymous with luck, wealth or longevity. This cat has left its mark in popular culture and art, both through popular expressions of various representations in literature, painting or music.

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ما لا تعرفونه عن القطط Unknown on 07:31 5

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